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Smell Therapy For Travel Protection. 

Smell therapy is very different to using essential oils for massage and skin treatments. What you cannot put onto your skin due to pregnancy or other ailments – you can actually use smell therapy.

Sleep Deeply – By Smelling Clary sage or Patouchli. 

Be Alert – By Sniffing Orange or Peppermint

Be Energized – by  Sniffing Perpermint

Be Calm – By sniffing Lavender

To Be Brain Smart – By Sniffing Rosemary Or  Swee Basil

Precautions with smell therapy are.

Never put the nasal inhaler on your skin.

Hold it about 1cm in front of your nostrils

Germs on skin can be transferred to your inhaler.

Never diffuse essential oils in the same room as children nor pets, unless you know what you are doing. Only vaporize oils for 1 hour at a time. Then turn off for an hour.

Types of vaporizers.

They should require water to be added.

Pulse oil burners turn the odour molecules toxic.

 A good read is at this site


Best place to wear perfume is on your undergarments.

 Animals insintively know the power of smell.

Humans need to learn this skill. 

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Smell Therapy
Smell therapy – Never ever underestimate the power of smell.

First let me explain Fragrance oils are actually, synthetics derived from pants and other man made chemicals they should not be part of smell therapy. They can have adverse effects on our health.

Pure essential oils are from the molecules of plants. Only a few plants have enough Essential oil  cells to heal the mind body and soul.

The aroma components from natural products have been used for mental, spiritual and physical healing since the beginning of recorded history.

Essential oil molecules can also reach the brain through an alternative route that doesn’t involve the lungs. This allows certain molecules that cannot cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) direct access to the central nervous system (CNS) within minutes. The molecules reach the central nervous system via the olfactory and trigeminal neural pathways – two pathways that innervate the nasal cavity, providing a direct connection with the CNS


Note that expressed citrus essential oils cause photosensitivity.

Steam Distilled Essential oils are not usually photosensitive.

Furocoumarins are large molecules that do not evaporate, and consequently, they do not transfer over through steam during the distillation process, but they do transfer over with expression. Most essential oil bottles will state whether your oil is expressed or steam distilled.

Also note: absolutes or carbon dioxide extracts (CO2 extracts) will most likely be phototoxic as the extraction process brings over heavier, more complex molecules like furocoumarins.

The Brain and Essential oils -Structure and Function

The blood-brain barrier has several important functions that ensure a homeostatic environment within the CNS.

It does so primarily by regulating the composition and volume of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which surrounds structures within the CNS. It does so by utilizing tight junctions between endothelial cells lining the capillaries, highly specific transport proteins that are embedded into the basement membrane, and cellular enzymes that function to alter substances during passage through the cells.

Tight junctions exist between the endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier, which permit the passage of only a select few types of substances between the cells. Furthermore, only a select number of substances can pass through the endothelial cells. Such substances include lipid-soluble substances (e.g., oxygen, carbon dioxide).

Hydrophilic substances, for example, hydron and bicarbonate, are not permitted to pass through cells and across the blood-brain barrier. A hydrophilic molecule or substance is attracted to water. Water is a polar molecule that acts as a solvent, dissolving other polar and hydrophilic substances. The molecules are then distributed to areas of low concentration, where more water molecules can interact.

The capillaries in the CNS are continuous capillaries which lack fenestrations and have a continuous basal lamina. They contain only a few pinocytic vesicles, which distinguishes them from other continuous capillaries of the body and makes them well-suited to make up a selective barrier such as the blood-brain barrier.

The blood-brain barrier also prevents the entry of toxins and foreign substances from entering the CNS.

Receptor-mediated transport allows glucose, ions, and other special molecules to cross the blood-brain barrier. Most large molecules and proteins are precluded from entering the barrier.

Terpenes and terpenoids, the primary constituents of these essential oils are small, lipid soluble organic molecules that can be absorbed through the skin or across nasal mucosa into the systemic blood circulation. Many terpenes can also cross the blood-brain barrier.Essential Oils that can cross the blood -brain barrier are:

 Black Pepper, Frankincense, And Ginger. Note the research papers I was reading did not state if they are passing via a massage blend or via smell therapy. However, I was researching smell therapy.

This year 2020 I have developed and tested on my family and friends new aroma blends. In 2021 I will be working hard to produce blends to assist you to relax, avoid frustration, anger bursts and more importantly lift your mood to a feeling of being marvelously alive.

In traditional medicine as well as in aromatherapy and herbal medicine, essential oils and fragrance compounds have been used for the treatments of various psychological and physical disorders such as headaches, pain, insomnia, eczema, stress-induced anxiety, depression, and digestive problems.

 In recent years, various studies have revealed that olfactory stimulation through fragrance inhalation exerts various psychophysiological effects on human beings. There are various methods available to administer the aromas in small quantities, including inhalation, massage, or simple applications on the skin surface.

The influence of fragrances such as perfumes and room fresheners on the psychophysiological activities of humans has been known for a long time, and its significance is gradually increasing in the medicinal and cosmetic industries. A fragrance consists of volatile chemicals with a molecular weight of less than 300 Da that humans perceive through the olfactory system. In humans, about 300 active olfactory receptor genes are devoted to detecting thousands of different fragrance molecules through a large family of olfactory receptors of a diverse protein sequence. The sense of smell plays an important role in the physiological effects of mood, stress, and working capacity. Electrophysiological studies have revealed that various fragrances affected spontaneous brain activities and cognitive functions, which are measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG). The EEG is a good temporal measure of responses in the central nervous system and it provides information about the physiological state of the brain both in health and disease.

I Robyn a clinical Aromatherapist, believe in holistic healthcare and enriching the lives of others Seniors at benefit from alternative interventions, such as aromatherapy, guided imagery, and healing touch to reduce the need for unnecessary medications. I research the use of essential oils into daily routines.


The benefits of essential oils can include:-

  • increased calmness,
  • reduction of anxiety,
  • more restful sleep,
  •  improved mood.

 How  essential oils can be used to help soothe seniors

  1. As an aphrodisiac
  2. For mood swings
  3. PMT
  4. Insomnia
  5. Headaches
  6. Cold Flu Viruses
  7. Peace of Mind
  8. Joyful minds
  9. Sad Mind
  10. Grief
  11. Depression
  12. Aches and pain

Seniors Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essential oils for sensory and therapeutic benefits.

As we age, we might lose our sense of smell. But aromatherapy is not dependent on our sense of smell. Molecules still travel through the nasal passage to the limbic system, and the results are the same whether or not one can actually smell the oil. The limbic system supports a variety of functions, including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction.

Below are four ways


A diffuser device uses distilled water and a few drops of an essential oil, turning the liquid oil into a cold vapor and dispersing it into the air. Research has shown that diffusion has the greatest results for those with Alzheimer’s and dementia.  It has also been shown to improve moods, short-term memory and many other forms of enhancing mind body and soul.


Linen spray can be used on a cloth item in a persons environment. Typically, spray is used before bedtime by misting sheets or pillowcases to aid in a peaceful, calming night’s sleep.


Essential oils can be placed directly on a patch and attached to an article of clothing (no skin contact).


Essential oils are placed directly on a pendant. Pendants or other aromatherapy jewellery can be made or purchased; there are many options!

I do not have an electroencephalograph but I am a researcher of essential oils and their effects. So follow me on Facebook or keep an eye on my blogs.



Have some faith in smell therapy and give these oils a try.

Written By Robyn Ji Smith Clinical Aromatherapist.

Mobile 0413453553

Blessings Robyn x

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