Cure Headaches Naturally

1.First choose to self reregulate your body.

2.Take time out each day to be silent with oneself.

3.Be in pursuit of naturally healings.

4.Be the best version of self, you possibly can be.

5.Breathe Deeply and Slowly.

6.Write in your gratitude diary so you stop focusing and your problems.

7. For a more in depth study guide watch this video I made.

Cure Your Headaches
relieve Headaches

Your hands are healers. You were born with many gifts – learn to use your healing powers. A great way to relieve headaches is with either acupuncture or acupressure.

Acupuncture involves inserting needles along specific pathways, called meridians, which may stimulate the body’s healing process. Acupressure stimulates the same pressure points but relies on fingers instead of needles to apply pressure. “It’s all about releasing tension and restoring balance in the body,”

You can relieve headaches by applying a pressure point in between the thumb and pointy finger.

For sinus headaches rub the inner corner of your eyes. There are two tiny lumps there. When you massage those lumps your sinus blockage will dissolve.

“Science is showing more and more that the stimulation of certain pressure points can affect the neural fibers in the brain as well as the peripheral nervous system,” A review of studies published in 2016 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, for instance, found that acupuncture was effective in helping treat patients with frequent or chronic tension-type headaches. And a study published in 2017 in JAMA Internal Medicine found that acupuncture not only helps get rid of a migraine, it can also reduce the frequency that people have them.

Try this self-healing method you will be amazed.

Watch the video for self heakin or buy my cures

The 10 ml  bottle contains smell therapy headache relief oils. Simply sniff this blend and relief should follow.  $25

The 50ml bottle is a headache massage oil suitable to rub on temples and your neck  $49

 Forget the pills and go natural

 Send a message to order. For the massage blend you need to to have a free consultation first.

I will fill in the form for you over the phone. 61 413 453 553

Form is here just click and download.

As an aromatherapist I am passionate about playing safe and mixing for you as an individual.

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