Most people go from day to day without as much as a casual thought about their energy system, or its condition; never realizing that although it is a system which can function automatically, it is designed to respond to direct input from us, and only operates at peak efficiency when such is the case.

We need to put direct input and regular maintenance into our aura and chakras, known by some as our energy field. When we keep ignoring a pathway of learning all things energetic from nature, eventually our mind body and soul starts deuterating. This leads to a situation where instead of your energy responding to you…you are reacting to your energy loss and emotions that are unsettling. Christians use the power of prayers to fuel their feeling of trust in a power greater than themselves.

Certain situations or people can deplete our energy. Alternatively, in places where we don’t feel we are enough, we may cling onto others using their fuel source as our own. Even boundaries are a matter of energy: We may bind our energy when we want to create separation, and let our energy flow openly when we want others to come close.

Our Destiny Formula
Everything is energy,

Energy follows thought,

Thought becomes belief,

Belief creates reality, and

Reality determines destiny!

Learning to accept an unkind word or action is your power.

More power comes when we learn to let it go.

On the right is our aura field information. 

We will explore that more in the next blog. For now you need to know our aura expand four feet into the ground, plus above our head and four feet in front, beside and the back of our body. It is the colours of the rainbow.  So they keep us happy but we over think our negatives and not see the joy we have around us.

Aura Chart

Books to help with your energy work

First Learn to balance your Chakras


Book DIY Chakra Balancing
How to balance each chakra

I found that some students have issues with chakra balancing because they over think it.  Build yourself a chakra plan like this. Make an extra column to the right next to Power of each center. Here you will write what you need to manifest.


 Example. The base chakra is about grounding yourself and all things that pertain to security. When our Base Chakra is blocked, clogged or misaligned, you might feel unfocused, you may have a fear of your future (especially financially and job instability), you might feel this overwhelming desire to be outside more, you might feel floaty, like your feet aren’t on the ground or lack energy. You need to work out what makes you feel grounded, secure and safe.  By writing these things down before you balance your chakras for the first time, you pledge your needs of manifesting these things – to your memory storage bank – in your unconscious mind.  Do this for all seven chakras. Be specific in your writing.  Then as you balance the chakra you can abbreviate your needs.  You might say something like this :-


I see the colour red working through my base chakra. I see all blockages leaving my mind body and soul in a red streamer going way out to sea.  I see my center vortex as a energy pole outside my body/ As it moves back in I feel grounded and safe. All things I need to stability and security are coming in. I will work at (Name Your actions) Now I visualize me doing these things. 


Now do you understand the importance of writing it down – well before you balance each chakra. Because at this point you might be tempted to give yourself reasons why you cannot save for a more secure home, or reasons why you cannot study for a better job.  The reason you feel ungrounded is because of another person is no excuse either. You cannot change them. Your action plan has to be what you can do – about your own mind and situation.  You need to practice seeing all you need to manifest and refuse to focus on the draw backs that stop you from having exactly.

Chakra Plan

When our Base Chakra is blocked, clogged or misaligned, you might feel unfocused, you may have a fear of your future – especially financially and job instability. You might feel this overwhelming desire to be outside more, you might feel floaty, like your feet aren’t on the ground or you lack energy.

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