Free Self Healing Group Gold Coast Australia

Free Reiki Gold Coast Australia

Books To Assist Your New Self-Healing Journey

Book DIY Chakra Balancing
Mindfulness and Gratitude Diary by Robyn Ji Smith
Paperback book Learn Reiki Energy healing

A New Life Journey


To Be Marvelously Alive.

How to be Marvelously alive. 

This is what worked for me. 

First let me explain. As a child from a good catholic family I felt that to pray was all we needed to do. Be Marvelously Alive

 My journey in Chakra balancing – This is what worked for me. 

First let me explain. As a child from a good catholic, lovingly attentive family – I felt that to pray was all we needed to do. Then from eighteen years of age onwards I started mixing with strangers.  Often that was exciting. The more my parents loosened their apron strings the more adventurous I became.  I was still a virgin and that in itself gave me a protective cocoon. Yet totally unaware of this moral protection. I most certainly was starting to experience those inner emotional, thrilling, heart throbbing moments, filled with a want to take passionate kissing sessions further.

We lived in a seaside town an hour north of Sydney Australia. Seaside towns always attract weekend visitors and I was now noticing how suave  and debonair some of the young male visitors were. Some were trying to charm me and I liked it. Unlike other girls I had not developed a need to have a boyfriend. Most of my school friends by this time were either in a long relationship or married with one or two children. Other female friends were disappearing with someone an hour or more into an outing.

Then one night I spotted a young man I was instantly attracted to, I was nineteen. But that night he disappeared with one of my friends. Leonie was married with two children. A few weeks later he asked me to go to the Drive in theater with him. I told him my parents would not allow me to go on a date to the drive-in theater. Plus, he would need to ask my father.  

Sunday afternoons one of my friends, her family and my family would go to the RSL club to a dinner dance. A week after Ken had invited me to the drive-in he arrived at the dinner dance. He asked my father if he could take me to Peters Soda shop for supper. My father said yes but you must walk her home and she is to be home by 8.30pm.

To cut a long story short six months later we were married. I gave birth to a baby boy that year and a baby girl the following year. I then had five miscarriages in a row due to Ken attacking me physically, every time I became pregnant. My Doctor also a catholic would not give me the pill.

We were mixing with people whose morals were very different to people I had mixed with during my childhood years. I could not comprehend my husbands behavior nor his friends. They were living with their girlfriends and having children out of wedlock, gambling, getting drunk and some were taking cocaine. My brother in law was Gaye and I had no idea what that meant. In 1960s they were called terrible names, so it was all very hush hush if you were Gaye.

Praying over and over for things to get better was not working. After having a nervous break down at twenty three years of age  I left my husband. My mum took me to a Kundalini workshop. The woman was explaining chakra balancing in words that I could not understand. Such as – Muladhara, Shaiva Tantra, Hara, Prana, Anjali mudra, Ajana, and pointing to pictures on her wall of a woman with a snake inside her body and a Goddess with many arms and so on. It all seemed, too farfetched for me. Mum agreed that she could not get the gist of it all either.  My parents meditated daily and my pop (Mums Dad) was one of 13 Irish children. 4 of his sisters were Nuns  3 bothers were catholic brother teaching in boys schools and 2 of his brothers were priests. They were happy people with good morals.

Mum talked my situation through with her Aunty. My great Aunty Lotti came to my home for a chat. She said, if praying is no longer working for you, use your hand-on-healing skills on yourself and meditate, daily.  Because Ken has grown up in an orphanage and not known the love that heals in a good family he has no concepts or moral code to base his life on. Him coming over on Thursday night to take you and the children to dinner is not building a new kind of relationship between you. The fact that he is refusing to go with you to counselling indicates he does not understand that he needs to learn a new way of dealing with his childhood pain. The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness You cannot change him. You need to rebuild your state of mind.

My new healing journey began with Yoga, in 1972.  I was truly ready to try to have a more enjoyable life and I new I had to learn to control my emotions and stop crying.  Next, I added reflexology to my beauty therapy skills. I  joined Wicca (White Witches) group. But creating spells was too far-removed from being a good catholic, at that point in my healing journey.  Also some people do not believe in God nor have they ever prayed and experienced the power of prayers,. These types of people were foreign to me- at that stage in my life. Now I fully understand that spells are written wishes. If you are careful how to write and perform them, they can work well.

Now in my late 70s I am finally blissfully alive.  I do not pray as much as I did as a child, but I do still talk to God. I don’t have the belief anymore that the Bible and the gospel of the lord is completely true. Mainly because when I studied other languages the translation from other languages to English is often very hard.  When I studied Bible with other religious groups I found myself questioning the beliefs of others.

For several decades now I have been feeling marvelously alive.  Therefore, I want to share my thoughts with you. In the hope that I can help people short cut the journey into a peaceful, happy mind more quickly. We are all composed by our circumstances and happening. Everyone has a different story to tell.

1.      I write in a Gratitude diary daily and list things I am grateful for.

2.      I never allow myself to stress over, situations, things and people I cannot change. For more than an hour.

3.      Instead of yelling at someone, I throw raw eggs at a tree and tell the tree how annoyed I felt.

4.      I analyze mindfulness and try hard to put mindfulness into my daily life.

5.      I never allow myself to feel resentful, fearful, nor frustrated.  I take a break, meditate and I get resourceful.

6.      I say this mantra daily and wish I knew what the chant meant when I first attended the kundalini meditation evening with my mum. 

7.     Sa Ta Na Ma

7.1.       Sa -Infinite and source of this universe.

7.2.     Ta – Life or birth of form.

7.3.         Na – Transformation of form. 

7.4.         Ma – Rebirth.

8.      I balance my chakras most days.

9.      Give Reiki healings freely to others as often as I can.

10.  Meditate daily 3 to 20 minutes and often do a quick 20 to 30 second meditation when someone is rude to me.  This assists me to think before I respond or allows me to ignore them. 

 If feeling marvelously alive is a new journey for you. May I suggest you start with Meditation each night. Put on a meditation video there are endless videos on you tube.

Sniff, essential oil of orange in the morning and frankincense in the evening. Do not buy cheap alternative fragrance oils, because fragrance oils are chemically composed oils. Essential oils are distilled from plants.

Start saying an affirmation every day.

Write what you are grateful for in a diary, daily and never focus on what you are upset about.

Words are powerful and what you talk about works its strength into your life.

If you live on the Gold Coast in Australia I invite you to come to my Free Reiki chat sessions.

My email address is I was 

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